
Showing posts from February, 2018

Walk it Out

We've wrapped up our series on purpose with a discussion about how we can move forward in our purpose for God.  There was a lot of good discussion this week!  Check out a snippet! If you like what you hear, listen to the entire episode on iTunes!  And please, share with a friend!  Thanks for supporting our ministry! Check out our memes and share them on social media!    


We've been talking on the podcast about purpose.  Comparison naturally came into the conversation.  We often try to compare ourselves to others when we are searching for our identity or our purpose.  But Christ wants us to find ourselves in Him.  Comparing ourselves to others only robs us of our joy and keeps us farther from Christ.  It is a tool of the devil and we must be aware of his movement so we do not fall prey to his tactics.  Trust and believe in Christ.  Know that He loves you just as you are!  He created you!  He doesn't want you to imitate others or try to fake our way through life.  The ONLY one we should ever try to imitate is Christ Himself!  Here's a taste of what we talked about. To check out the entire episode, check us out on iTunes! Grab a meme from Wonder & Shine and share it with others!    

Guess What?! We're on iTunes!

Julie and I are so excited to announce that Wonder & Shine has finally made it onto iTunes!  We would love it if you would go and check it out!  If you like what you hear, share it with a friend!  Leave a review so others can get to know us!  We thank you all for supporting this ministry! Wonder & Shine Podcast